Welcome to the end of it all. Well that's what Resistance feels like. The game is packed with misery and pain with the fighting of the war against the Chiamera. The blood, the guts and the war are back. You are back again as Nathan Hale, with some help. Hale joins a team of super soldiers with the same side affects that Nathan Hale suffers from, or is powered by mostly. The game includes most the same guns from the first game, but with some new guns like the Marksman. A human made gun with armor piercing bullets. Also a grenade launcher that bullets burst into flames instead of an explosion. Not my favorite weapon of choice, but its a new weapon that's not from the last game. Resistance continues the death of human kind. But with some time there might be a possible chance for human kind.
After destroying the Central Chimera Tower in London in Resistance:Fall of Man, Nathan Hale is extracted by Black Ops soldiers and than sedated. Two years after the Tower in London is destroyed, in 1953 the Chiamera launch a full-scale invasion into the United States of America. The Chiamera wreck havoc through states like California, Idaho and Utah. It was sad when you watched the fall of Europe. But it hurts more when its your own home. Through the fire and flames Chiamera put up a fight that is almost too hard for Hale. Or is it?

What I enjoyed about this game was that the online was awesome. You could have up top 60 player battles. The weapons selection was always good. But also the plot usually kept me intrigued. But some reason this game didn't hit me as hard as the first. The first was so good. Maybe because it was one of the better exclusive PS3 had for a while. I might have expected more from the game. I mean the in game graphics were powerful and so were the cut scenes. If I was going to give the first game a rating it would easily get 4.5X points out of 5 just because how good it was when it first came out. This game, and even though I always push more to the PS3 side, isn't as good as I hoped it would. Like other games Gears of War was blown out by Gears of War 2 or God of War being beaten by God of War 2. Resistance 2 didn't pull it off like its predecessor. So for my final score I give Resistance 2 3.5X points out of 5.