Sorry for the long delay, been busy with college and moving in and everything. But as I settle into my high speed Internet and Xbox live I have come to grips with my old favorite fighting game franchise. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2! There is no doubt in my mind that this is the greatest fighting game ever made. I mean not only do you have the regular street fighter characters but you have Capcom characters also like Jill from Resident Evil and Mega Man. But then you have the marvel fighters which are the X-Men and Avengers and Villains. Wolverine, Storm, Ironman, Captain America, Spiderman and more. Everything from the old game is back mostly. Except for the fact that you are actually not playing arcade mode to get points to purchase characters. All the characters are previously unlocked which is kinda not good because you would play the arcade mode over and over again just to unlock Omega Red or Sentinel.

The game only cost 1200 points and is extremely worth it. I mean the game costs over a hundred dollars in stores, if you can find any. One very cool thing about the game is that they brought online mode into the mix. So you can finally play people from all over. But its not like the good ole' days when you were at your local arcade and you had a bunch of people lined up to play with against you. But this game is one of my favorites and worth every point. For my final rating Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 for the Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network gets 4.5X Points out of 5. The original might still be better because of the extra playing you had to put yourself through but I am still pleased with this games success.

One last thing i wanted to share with you all is that the original Comix Zone is out for Xbox Live arcade also. For only 400 points you can own the game. Now not too many people have played this game but when my friends showed me this game I fell in love with it. I mean the cool combos and action was better than any other genesis game I have played. So if you have some cash or points pick this fun game up. You won't regret it. For this games final rating I give it a 3.5X out of 5X because it was good back in the day and its good now.
Lol, you guys should try youtube if you want people to notice you guys cause local television is pretty much dead and only good for school or town events.
I just happened to stumble on Bloomfield's access television channel and saw you guys. I also recommend you get a recorder of some sort to actually show you playing the games yourself. By the way the audio quality sucks on the channel sucks, someone needs a new camera.
Good luck
thank you for the criticism. We are working on putting on youtube but its been a stressful year as it i. But once again thank you for commenting and giving us your thoughts and ideas.
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