F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin is the sequel to F.E.A.R obvisouly. F.E.A.R. 2 picks up where the original left off--with a bang. The city is in tatters, and as Michael Becket of Delta Force, it is up to you and your squadmates to capture the elusive Genevieve Aristide, president of the nefarious Armacham Technology Corporation. Too much description would risk spoiling the game's few surprises which I would rather not talk about, you just have to play the dam game.Your weapons of survival aren't spectacular, but they're varied enough to make shooting a pleasure, even when the flow of time takes its normal path. The two shotguns are beautiful together; they feel weighty and dispatch most enemies with a single bloody blast to the head. The hammerhead is another delight, filling your foes with neon barbs and potentially affixing them to the wall behind. However, tigger fingered newbies should consider playing at higher difficulty levels, given that F.E.A.R. 2 feels way easier than the first installment.

The AI can offer occasional challenges, particularly in levels featuring running in and out of rooms in which human enemies will flank you, use cover, and tumble to the side should they find themselves gazing down the barrel of your automatic shotgun. They will also tip over furniture or other objects and use them as cover. However, enemy behavior is inconsistent; a table-tipping guard may not follow through, running away from his improvised cover rather than ducking behind it. Some enemies will blindly fire from behind low obstacles but may also do so when in plain view. The best enemnies are those not bond by rules of phsyics, such as ethereal foes that take shape as you enter reflex time. And in some cases, your enemies are so visually elusive that you're better off finding a way out of the dark environs that spawn them. The GoodS low-motion shootouts are good, gory fun Mech sequences provide welcome variety Some cool, spooky imagery. The Bad Story offers little mystery or suspense cliched random scares and level design Multiplayer is drab and disappointing. Should you buy this? The Smackdown king says: Rent it first if you enjoy it get it but you defintiely should not just go out and buy this game.
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