This game came out a while back when the Xbox 360 was just starting to warm up to its next-gen surroundings. This past week I’ve have been “sick”, well to my parents thought. So I had to stay in my house and since I haven’t bought any new games lately I decided to play some games that I haven’t played yet. The game is Bioshock. Now I’m not going to give you my story why I haven’t played the whole game but this week I beat the game. Well actually in three days between my sneezing, coughing and endless hours of sleep. Now what kept me actually playing this game unlike Spiderman Web of Shadows and Legendary (other games I have bought recently and in which barely played). I played this game continuously. I always wanted to search through rooms and the thrill of such an epic story drove me to keep picking up my controller over and over again.
The game circulates on you as the main character who is not given a name but you are so lucky to be in a plane crash that you land in the ocean right above an underwater city called “The Rapture”. You head down and now you’re in a crazy world run by Andrew Ryan the creator of this marvelous but insane city. As soon as your get down there you can already tell that the atmosphere is dark and mysterious. Also you are affected by a crazed splicer running around and attacking your bathysphere. Let’s just say, the game starts off with a bang.

What I really enjoyed was the striking storyline. It just kept me asking for more and more. Why was Dr. Suchong doing these experiments? Why is Dr. Steinman so stinking crazy? And who the heck is Atlas? Questions that were answered only by me killing thugs left and right. I usually used a shotgun because I felt it was the best gun to use. I also liked to hypnotize a big daddy to beat upon my foes. But the game was filled with intense environments with blood on every wall and obscenities written in more blood. Did I mention blood? Yeah, they could’ve maybe taken the tone down a little but it still was awesome.
What was really cool was the amount of customization to your character, whatever his name was, was pretty unique. You can choose what you want and how your character feels in certain situations. What I also like was you having the choice of either saving or harvesting the little sisters. Because I had a soul my first time through the game I rescued them but it left me with less ADAM (the genetic money) so the game wasn’t too easy. What I didn’t like was that every time I killed a Big Daddy or fought more than three enemies I would practically be out of ammo that I would have to use my wrench which wouldn’t help me half of the time. But the game was ridiculously intriguing and better than many “scary” games. I’m not a fan of the freights and screams but this game wouldn’t let me put it away for good. For my final score this marvelous game gets 5X points out of 5. But last I would like to say that this review leads me to my soon to next article Top 10 games of 2009 by the Xtreme Gaming Zone.
This Game Is Awesome!
thanks for the comment man. I agree totally with you
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